Thursday, December 21, 2017
Two nice afternoons, teaching a few kids how to make a simple string puppet... hope some of them will catch the puppet bug and want to be a puppet builder! Duas tardes bem passadas, a ensinar alguns miúdos como construir uma simples marioneta de fios... espero que algum deles fique com o bichinho e queira vir a ser construtor de marionetas 😁 #mtnpb #puppet #stringpuppet #marioneta #marionetadefio #workshop #oficinademarionetas #csba #kids
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Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Merry X-mas to me! ....because I say so 🎄🎄🎄 #mtnpb #batman #thedarkknight #frankmiller #darkknight #masterrace #thedarkknightmasterrace #xmas #christmas
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Thursday, December 14, 2017
Ahhhh ohhhh ehhhhh #mtnpb #starwars #starwarsthelastjedi #thelastjedi #theforceisstrong
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Frames and stuff... winter is not the best time of year to quickly dry glue 😫 Estruturas e quê... o inverno não é a melhor altura pra secar cola! #mtnpb #puppet #puppetproject #marioneta #puppettheater #teatroemarionetas #set #cenografia #edvardomadrugada_puppetproject #edvardo_marionetas_mandragora #wood #woodwork
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