Sunday, February 28, 2016
"Gregor Samsa" puppet After getting an honorable mention last year, this year I've got the second prize at the Mar Marionetas - Festival Internacional de Marionetas de Espinho (International Puppet Festival contest). Depois de ter recebido uma menção honrosa no ano passado, este ano fui segundo lugar no concurso de marionetas do Mar Marionetas - Festival Internacional de Marionetas de Espinho. #mtnpb #mm16_marionetas_mandragora #puppet #puppettheater #marionetas #marioneta #theater #gregorsamsa #kafka
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Prize delivery at #marmarionetas. Entrega de prémios no Mar Marionetas - Festival Internacional de Marionetas de Espinho, 2016. #mm16_marionetas_mandragora #mtnpb #puppet #puppettheater #theatre #marionetas #teatroemarionetas
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Wednesday, February 24, 2016
#mtnpb #governosombra #correntesdescritas #pvz #povoadevarzim #ricardoaraujopereira #pedromexia #joaomigueltavares #carlosvazmarques
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Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Still, more things from... Lisbon. Some art installation with old advertising letters, in some old site flatten terrain land thing... Ainda, mais coisas de... Lisboa. Uma instalação artística com velhas letras de publicitários, num qualquer espaço aterrado de velho edifícios... #mtnpb #letters #lettering #letras #art #artinstallation #lx #lisboa #lisbon #thingsfrom
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Still, more things from... Lisbon. Some art installation with old advertising letters, in some old site flatten terrain land thing... Ainda, mais coisas de... Lisboa. Uma instalação artística com velhas letras de publicitários, num qualquer espaço aterrado de velho edifícios... #mtnpb #letters #lettering #letras #art #artinstallation #lx #lisboa #lisbon #thingsfrom
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Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Up up and away... #mtnpb #lisboa #lx #lisbon #thingsfrom #porto #oporto
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Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Lunch time!!! #mtnpb #lx #lisboa #lisbon #caisdosodre #timeoutmercadodaribeira #mercadodaribeira
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Monday, February 8, 2016
Maio!!? #mtnpb #carregabenfica #slbenfica #slb
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Não se vem a LX sem se passar na Luz... #mtnpb #lisboa #lisbon #thingsfrom #slb #benfica #slbenfica #epluribusunum
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More things from Lisbon... #mtnpb #lisboa #lisbon #thingsfrom
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Some square things from Castelo de São Jorge, Lisboa. #mtnpb #lisboa #castelodesaojorge #lisbon #thingsfrom #squad #squarethings
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Things from Castelo de São Jorge, Lisboa. #mtnpb #lisboa #castelodesaojorge #lisbon #thingsfrom
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Um craveiro em muitas águas furtadas... #mtnpb #castelodesaojorge #lx #lisboa
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Sunday, February 7, 2016
Some canvas from my painting students at @afilantropica. Algumas telas de alunos de pintura no atelier de desenho/pintura n'A Filantrópica, Póvoa de Varzim. #mtnpb #painting #acryic #acrylicpainting #paintingstudio #heart #stillnature
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I was decided to spend last year practicing and developing my abilities in tattooing... ended up working almost non stop with projects for theater or puppet theater. Let us see if I can pick up where I left. Estava decidido a usar o ano passado para praticar e desenvolver as minhas habilidades na tatuagem... acabei por dedicar o tempo a trabalhar em projectos de teatro ou marionetas. Vamos lá ver se consigo continuar onde parei. #mtnpb #tattoo #tattoopadawan #tattooing #drawing #sketch #target #bullseye
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Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Preparing a small #mailart / #artbymail project. Soon I'll be posting more news... #mtnpb #art #arte #THEOLDTIMERS_project
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