Friday, December 25, 2015
It doesn't feel like Christmas without either #homealone or #diehard MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE, and a #yippekiyay mofo #mtnpb #starwars #maythefourthbewithyou #milleniumfalcon #milleniumfalconmug #starwarsmug #christmas #homealone #homealone2
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What a piece of... heartwarming gift! Cheers man! 😉 #merrychristmas #yourehomesolo #mtnpb #starwars #maythefourthbewithyou #milleniumfalcon #whatapieceofjunk
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Sunday, December 13, 2015
Last Wednesday's exhibition preparation at #casadapedreira. A project conceived by @envide_nefelibata supported by @fertilcultural. Photo by @ruialvesleitao Preparação da exposição #desamores_yzonk na passada quarta feira na Casa da Pedreira. Um projecto criado pelo artista enVide neFelibata, apoiado pela Fértil Cultural. Foto por Rui Alves Leitão #mtnpb #mailart #art #desamores_yzonk #exhibition #exposicao #artbymail #mailartexhibition #iuoma
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Paint job stages from the #gregorsamsapuppet_project Estados do trabalho de pintura do projecto #gregorsamsapuppet_project #mtnpb #theater #puppet #puppets #puppettheater #teatro #teatromarionetas #marioneta #WIP #marionette #painting #pintura #acrilico #acrylicpaint
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Monday, December 7, 2015
Sunday dinner and a drawing. Jantar de domingo e um desenho. #mtnpb #drawing #desenho #sketch #esboco #dinner #sundaydinner #jantardedomingo #domingo
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Sunday, December 6, 2015
Quick made stand to start painting the puppets head. It's always awkward to use paint on something when you like it already, therefore the main idea will be to do some light shades... Um suporte feito em cima do joelho para começar a pintar a cabeça da marioneta. É sempre estranho usar tinta em algo que já se gosta da forma que está, portanto a ideia será usar algumas sombras ligeiras. #mtnpb #theater #puppet #puppets #puppettheater #teatro #teatromarionetas #marioneta #WIP #marionette #painting #pintura #acrilico #acrylicpaint
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Practice... you gotta keep drawing and doing different stuff, just as sketching out letters. This is my new god-daughter name 😊 Prática... é preciso continuar a desenhar e fazer coisas diferentes, tal como esboçar letras. Este é o nome da minha nova afilhada! #mtnpb #drawing #desenho #sketch #esboco #lettering #letter #letras #type #typedrawing
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Started painting for the #gregorsamsapuppet_project ...not quite sure where to go in regards to the hole body, so I'll be doing the paint job on the head in order to figure things out. Comecei a pintura no projecto #gregorsamsa ...sem certezas por onde ir no que toca ao corpo, portanto, vou começar a pintar a cabeça de modo a perceber as coisas. #mtnpb #theater #puppet #puppets #puppettheater #teatro #teatromarionetas #marioneta #WIP
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Wednesday, December 2, 2015
New tool, so shiny and pretty! #mtnpb #tool #tools #ferramenta #ferramentas #serra #serrademadeira #woodsaw #saw #traditionaltools
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