Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Working @fertilcultural on the #morrodeamores_fertilcultural project. Rehearsals and set/props fixing and retouching. Trabalho na Fértil Cultural no projeto "Morro de Amores". Ensaios e arranjos e retoques no cenário/adereços. #mtnpb #theater #teatro #set #cenografia #cenario #scenary #fertilcultural
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1MoV3vz
Saturday, October 24, 2015
#latergram #gregorsamsapuppet_project update. I'm not the greatest fan of working with foam, but for this purpose it's the best material in order to have a more organic movement. Nao sou muito fã de trabalhar com esponja, mas para este propósito é o melhor material para conferir movimento orgânico. #mtnpb #theater #puppet #puppets #puppettheater #teatro #teatromarionetas #marioneta #WIP #foam #gregorsamsa #esponja
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1KwadHX
#latergram #gregorsamsapuppet_project update. Been working on this puppet, but lazy to post stuff. Here's a photo of materials used on the puppets limbs. Tenho trabalhado nesta última marioneta, mas andei preguiçoso para "postar" coisas. Fica aqui a foto de materiais utilizados nos membros da marioneta. #mtnpb #theater #puppet #puppets #puppettheater #teatro #teatromarionetas #marioneta #bone #bones #WIP
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1OXYgRN
Already got my #starwarstheforceawakens tickets!!! Only have to wait almost 2 months 😧 #mtnpb #starwars #starwarspremier #theforceawakens
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1R3a2t3
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Laziness... antes que seja outono! #mtnpb #beach #sea #ocean #povoavarzim #pvz #povoadevarzim #mardapovoa
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1jVYDQZ
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
#latergram #mtnpb #Essen #germany #33 #essencolosseumtheater #random #sculpture
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1Lj6f67
#latergram #mtnpb #ruhr #ruhrmuseum #zechezollverein #coalfactory #coalmining #gelsenkirchen #Essen #germany
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1JRUHG9
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
#mtnpb #Essen #germany #stuff #sightseeing
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1FQUfx4
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Up up and away... in a few minutes! Off to Germany for the first time! #mtnpb #trip #voyage #aeroplane #germany
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1MRQqqM
Thursday, October 1, 2015
#latergram Yesterday was time to go to #Guimarães in order to finalize my participation in the #afonso_marionetas_mandragora project. Ontem foi dia de ir a Guimarães e finalizar a minha participação no projecto #afonso_marionetas_mandragora. #mtnpb #theater #puppet #puppets #puppettheater #teatro #teatromarionetas #cenografia #cenario #scenary #set #castle #castelo #painting #acrilico #acrylicpaint #acrylic
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1iOoQQL
#latergram Yesterday was time to go to #Guimarães in order to finalize my participation in the #afonso_marionetas_mandragora project. Ontem foi dia de ir a Guimarães e finalizar a minha participação no projecto #afonso_marionetas_mandragora. #mtnpb #theater #puppet #puppets #puppettheater #teatro #teatromarionetas #cenografia #cenario #scenary #set #castle #castelo #painting #acrilico #acrylicpaint #acrylic
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1GkUomN
#latergram I'm continuing working on the #gregorsamsapuppet_project, doing more in the head though also having some of the body's structure prepared. Trying to mix some different materials, and after aiming at my 2004 painting aesthetic, the more I sculpt, the more I'll try to experiment with materials/aesthetics. Continuo a trabalhar no projecto Gregor Samsa, fazendo mais na cabeça apesar de ter a estrutura do corpo preparada. Estou a tentar a tentar misturar materiais, e depois de tudo apontar para o aspecto da minha pintura de 2004, quanto mais esculpe mais vontade tenho de experimentar com materiais e a estética. #mtnpb #theater #puppet #puppets #puppettheater #teatro #teatromarionetas #gregorsamsa #sculpture
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1Vsedzx
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