Saturday, August 29, 2015
After Barcelos, things didn't seem so though... I didn't imagine the rest of the days! but went and arrived. Through two countries, rivers, villages, cities, walked on highways, roads, paths, climbed and went down montains, under blistering sun, under rain, 22okm more os less! Já depois de Barcelos, a coisa não parecia má... nem imaginava os restantes dias! mas fui e cheguei lá. Atravessei dois paises, rios, aldeias, cidades, andei em estradas, ruas, caminhos, subi e desci montanhas, debaixo de sol, debaixo de chuva, 220km e uns trocos! Personal win! Congrats and thanks to all who stood by me and done it. #mtnpb #caminodesantiago #caminodesantiago
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Been away for quite some time... also laziness. Anyway, today I've returned to Portugal, after doing a painful, interesting, hard, surprisingly, and very happy vacations. Done the #caminodesantiago and took some days off in the city. This is my credential of the #caminodesantiago, where one keeps the stamps from the places visited. Estive fora algum tempo... e também preguiçoso. De qualquer forma, hoje regresso a Portugal depois de fazer uma dolorosa, interessante, dura, surpreendente e boas férias. Fiz o #caminodesantiago e tirei uns dias na cidade. Esta é a minha credencial de peregrino, onde registamos com os carimbos, os locais que visitamos ou onde ficamos. #mtnpb #santiagocredential #santiagopelgrim
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Sunday, August 9, 2015
CAARRREEGA BENFICA #mtnpb #slb #slbenfica #benfica #glorioso #carregabenfica
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