Friday, December 25, 2015
It doesn't feel like Christmas without either #homealone or #diehard MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE, and a #yippekiyay mofo #mtnpb #starwars #maythefourthbewithyou #milleniumfalcon #milleniumfalconmug #starwarsmug #christmas #homealone #homealone2
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What a piece of... heartwarming gift! Cheers man! 😉 #merrychristmas #yourehomesolo #mtnpb #starwars #maythefourthbewithyou #milleniumfalcon #whatapieceofjunk
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Sunday, December 13, 2015
Last Wednesday's exhibition preparation at #casadapedreira. A project conceived by @envide_nefelibata supported by @fertilcultural. Photo by @ruialvesleitao Preparação da exposição #desamores_yzonk na passada quarta feira na Casa da Pedreira. Um projecto criado pelo artista enVide neFelibata, apoiado pela Fértil Cultural. Foto por Rui Alves Leitão #mtnpb #mailart #art #desamores_yzonk #exhibition #exposicao #artbymail #mailartexhibition #iuoma
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Paint job stages from the #gregorsamsapuppet_project Estados do trabalho de pintura do projecto #gregorsamsapuppet_project #mtnpb #theater #puppet #puppets #puppettheater #teatro #teatromarionetas #marioneta #WIP #marionette #painting #pintura #acrilico #acrylicpaint
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Monday, December 7, 2015
Sunday dinner and a drawing. Jantar de domingo e um desenho. #mtnpb #drawing #desenho #sketch #esboco #dinner #sundaydinner #jantardedomingo #domingo
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Sunday, December 6, 2015
Quick made stand to start painting the puppets head. It's always awkward to use paint on something when you like it already, therefore the main idea will be to do some light shades... Um suporte feito em cima do joelho para começar a pintar a cabeça da marioneta. É sempre estranho usar tinta em algo que já se gosta da forma que está, portanto a ideia será usar algumas sombras ligeiras. #mtnpb #theater #puppet #puppets #puppettheater #teatro #teatromarionetas #marioneta #WIP #marionette #painting #pintura #acrilico #acrylicpaint
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Practice... you gotta keep drawing and doing different stuff, just as sketching out letters. This is my new god-daughter name 😊 Prática... é preciso continuar a desenhar e fazer coisas diferentes, tal como esboçar letras. Este é o nome da minha nova afilhada! #mtnpb #drawing #desenho #sketch #esboco #lettering #letter #letras #type #typedrawing
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Started painting for the #gregorsamsapuppet_project ...not quite sure where to go in regards to the hole body, so I'll be doing the paint job on the head in order to figure things out. Comecei a pintura no projecto #gregorsamsa ...sem certezas por onde ir no que toca ao corpo, portanto, vou começar a pintar a cabeça de modo a perceber as coisas. #mtnpb #theater #puppet #puppets #puppettheater #teatro #teatromarionetas #marioneta #WIP
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Wednesday, December 2, 2015
New tool, so shiny and pretty! #mtnpb #tool #tools #ferramenta #ferramentas #serra #serrademadeira #woodsaw #saw #traditionaltools
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Sunday, November 29, 2015
Pooping stamps! #mtnpb #stamp #stamps #carimbo #linoleum #linoleo #linoleumstamp #lescrap
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Another one on the making... Mais um na linha de produção... #mtnpb #stamp #stamps #carimbo #linoleum #linoleo #linoleumstamp #lescrap
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Saturday, November 28, 2015
#latergram Picture from the construction of #princesspea _ project #mtnpb #theater #puppet #puppets #puppettheater #teatro #teatromarionetas #cenografia #cenario #scenary #set #princesspea #princesaervilha #bed #pea #ervilha #cama
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#latergram Picture from the construction of #princesspea _ project #mtnpb #theater #puppet #puppets #puppettheater #teatro #teatromarionetas #cenografia #cenario #scenary #set #princesspea #princesaervilha #bed #pea #ervilha #cama
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#latergram Picture from the construction of #princesspea _ project #mtnpb #theater #puppet #puppets #puppettheater #teatro #teatromarionetas #cenografia #cenario #scenary #set #princesspea #princesaervilha #bed #pea #ervilha #cama
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Wednesday, November 25, 2015
#latergram A couple of weeks ago I started doing a small project, based on a sketches done some 6 or 7 years ago of the Princess Pea story. Really needed to step back a bit from the #gregorsamsapuppet_project... and nothing better than start a new one. Há umas semanas comecei um pequeno projecto, baseado em estudos feitos há uns 6 ou 7 anos sobre a história A Princesa Ervilha. Precisava mesmo de me afastar um pouco do projecto #gregorsamsapuppet_project ... e nada melhor que começar algo novo. #mtnpb #theater #puppet #puppets #puppettheater #teatro #teatromarionetas #marioneta #illustration #illustracao #drawing #desenho #sketch #esboco #princesspea #princesaervilha
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Been having fun, creating some linoleum stamps, and in this case to use it on hand delivered works. Tenho andado a divertir-me, ao criar carimbos em linóleo, e neste caso para usar em trabalhos entregues em mão. #mtnpb #stamp #stamps #carimbo #linoleum #linoleo #linoleumstamp #handeliver
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Wednesday, November 18, 2015
"MORRO DE AMORES" debut at #casadasartes #vnfamalicao, Thursday 19th, 21h30, with another presentation the next day. Estreia "MORRO DE AMORES" na Casa das Artes de V. N. de Famalicão, quinta 19, às 21h 30, com nova apresentação no dia seguinte. #mtnpb #theater #teatro #morrodeamores_fertilcultural #fertilcultural #estreia
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Rehearsals at #casadasartes Ensaios na Casa das Artes, V.N. de Famalicão. #mtnpb #theater #teatro #set #cenografia #cenario #scenary #morrodeamores_fertilcultural #tree #arvore #bench #rehearsal #ensaio #vnfamalicao #famalicao
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Tuesday, November 17, 2015
"MORRO DE AMORES" debut at #casadasartes #vnfamalicao, Thursday 19th, 21h30, with another presentation the next day. Estreia "MORRO DE AMORES" na Casa das Artes de V. N. de Famalicão, quinta 19, às 21h 30, com nova apresentação no dia seguinte. #mtnpb #theater #teatro #morrodeamores_fertilcultural #fertilcultural #estreia
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#WIP #mtnpb #theater #puppet #puppets #puppettheater #teatro #teatromarionetas #gregorsamsa #gregorsamsapuppet_project #foam
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Saturday, November 14, 2015
Rehearsal at Casa da Pedreira, #morrodeamores_fertilcultural project. Ensaio na Casa da Pedreira, projecto " MORRO de AMORES". #mtnpb #theater #teatro #set #cenografia #cenario #scenary #tree #arvore #buildatreeplantahouse
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"Casa da Árvore - A Árvore Como Uma Casa" "Tree House - The Tree As A House" After starting working on the #morrodeamores_fertilcultural project, ideas started flowing. One of the details of the hole set that I enjoyed a lot was do stuff with this kind of birdhouse. This piece was specially done for my friend and colleage artist Elisabete Amaral/Maria Afonso. Depois de começar a trabalhar no projecto "MORRO DE AMORES", as ideias começaram a surgir. Um dos detalhes de todo o cenário que me deu mais gozo foi fazer coisas com este tipo de casa de pássaro. Esta peça foi construída especialmente para a minha amiga 3 colega artista Elisabete Amaral/Maria Afonso. #mtbandws #sculpture #escultura #tree #arvore #buildatreeplantahouse #birdhouse
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Illustration made for the #amanitabunker encounter. Glad you liked @silvialeaob ...keep in mushrooming :) Ilustração feita para o encontro da Amanita Bunker. Ainda bem que gostaste @silvialeaob :) #mtnpb #drawing #desenho #sketch #esboco #illustration #illustracao #plasticarmymen #mushroom #cogumelo #amanita #bunker
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Illustration made for the #amanitabunker encounter. Glad you liked @silvialeaob ...keep in mushrooming :) Ilustração feita para o encontro da Amanita Bunker. Ainda bem que gostaste @silvialeaob :) #mtnpb #drawing #desenho #sketch #esboco #illustration #illustracao #plasticarmymen #mushroom #cogumelo #amanita #bunker
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Thursday, November 12, 2015
Hang in there.... work is coming a long! #mtnpb #gregorsamsapuppet_project #WIP #puppet #puppets #puppettheater #teatro #teatromarionetas #marioneta
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Saturday, November 7, 2015
#latergram Did the finishing touches on the last stuff for the #morrodeamores_fertilcultural project... sewing and what not! Dei os toques finais nas últimas coisas para o projeto MORRO de AMORES... costurar e não sei quê! #mtnpb #theater #teatro #set #cenografia #cenario #scenary #aderecos #props #figurine #figurino
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#latergram Rehearsal time at @fertilcultural for the #morrodeamores_fertilcultural project. Tempo de ensaio na FÉRTIL CULTURAL, para o projecto "MORRO DE AMORES" #mtnpb #theater #teatro #set #cenografia #cenario #scenary #tree #rehearsal #ensaio
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Tuesday, November 3, 2015
#morrodeamores_fertilcultural project, some details on the set and one piece of the wardrobe. Projecto "MORRO DE AMORES", alguns detalhes no cenário e numa peça de figurino. #mtnpb #theater #teatro #set #cenografia #cenario #scenary #wardrobe #costume #figurino
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Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Working @fertilcultural on the #morrodeamores_fertilcultural project. Rehearsals and set/props fixing and retouching. Trabalho na Fértil Cultural no projeto "Morro de Amores". Ensaios e arranjos e retoques no cenário/adereços. #mtnpb #theater #teatro #set #cenografia #cenario #scenary #fertilcultural
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Saturday, October 24, 2015
#latergram #gregorsamsapuppet_project update. I'm not the greatest fan of working with foam, but for this purpose it's the best material in order to have a more organic movement. Nao sou muito fã de trabalhar com esponja, mas para este propósito é o melhor material para conferir movimento orgânico. #mtnpb #theater #puppet #puppets #puppettheater #teatro #teatromarionetas #marioneta #WIP #foam #gregorsamsa #esponja
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#latergram #gregorsamsapuppet_project update. Been working on this puppet, but lazy to post stuff. Here's a photo of materials used on the puppets limbs. Tenho trabalhado nesta última marioneta, mas andei preguiçoso para "postar" coisas. Fica aqui a foto de materiais utilizados nos membros da marioneta. #mtnpb #theater #puppet #puppets #puppettheater #teatro #teatromarionetas #marioneta #bone #bones #WIP
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Already got my #starwarstheforceawakens tickets!!! Only have to wait almost 2 months 😧 #mtnpb #starwars #starwarspremier #theforceawakens
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Thursday, October 22, 2015
Laziness... antes que seja outono! #mtnpb #beach #sea #ocean #povoavarzim #pvz #povoadevarzim #mardapovoa
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Wednesday, October 7, 2015
#latergram #mtnpb #Essen #germany #33 #essencolosseumtheater #random #sculpture
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#latergram #mtnpb #ruhr #ruhrmuseum #zechezollverein #coalfactory #coalmining #gelsenkirchen #Essen #germany
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Tuesday, October 6, 2015
#mtnpb #Essen #germany #stuff #sightseeing
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Saturday, October 3, 2015
Up up and away... in a few minutes! Off to Germany for the first time! #mtnpb #trip #voyage #aeroplane #germany
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Thursday, October 1, 2015
#latergram Yesterday was time to go to #Guimarães in order to finalize my participation in the #afonso_marionetas_mandragora project. Ontem foi dia de ir a Guimarães e finalizar a minha participação no projecto #afonso_marionetas_mandragora. #mtnpb #theater #puppet #puppets #puppettheater #teatro #teatromarionetas #cenografia #cenario #scenary #set #castle #castelo #painting #acrilico #acrylicpaint #acrylic
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#latergram Yesterday was time to go to #Guimarães in order to finalize my participation in the #afonso_marionetas_mandragora project. Ontem foi dia de ir a Guimarães e finalizar a minha participação no projecto #afonso_marionetas_mandragora. #mtnpb #theater #puppet #puppets #puppettheater #teatro #teatromarionetas #cenografia #cenario #scenary #set #castle #castelo #painting #acrilico #acrylicpaint #acrylic
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#latergram I'm continuing working on the #gregorsamsapuppet_project, doing more in the head though also having some of the body's structure prepared. Trying to mix some different materials, and after aiming at my 2004 painting aesthetic, the more I sculpt, the more I'll try to experiment with materials/aesthetics. Continuo a trabalhar no projecto Gregor Samsa, fazendo mais na cabeça apesar de ter a estrutura do corpo preparada. Estou a tentar a tentar misturar materiais, e depois de tudo apontar para o aspecto da minha pintura de 2004, quanto mais esculpe mais vontade tenho de experimentar com materiais e a estética. #mtnpb #theater #puppet #puppets #puppettheater #teatro #teatromarionetas #gregorsamsa #sculpture
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Monday, September 28, 2015
Started building the puppet, trying to use whatever materials I have in the studio, but actually have some ideas on what to incorporate. Comecei a construir a marioneta, tentando usar o materiais que possa ter pelo ateliê, mas por acaso já tenho algumas ideias sobre o que incorporar. #mtnpb #puppet #kafka #gregorsamsa #esboco #puppettheater #skull #caveira #gregorsamsapuppet_project
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Wednesday, September 23, 2015
A little pause on the #morrodeamores_fertilcultural project to return to another one. Still searching and sketching for a starting point for building a new puppet. Uma pequena pausa no projecto " Morro de Amores " para voltar a outro. Ainda a procurar e desenhar para encontrar um ponto de inicio para a construção de uma nova marioneta. #mtnpb #drawing #desenho #sketch #esboco #kafka #gregorsamsa #esboco #desenho #skull #caveira #gregorsamsapuppet_project
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A little pause on the #morrodeamores_fertilcultural project to return to another one. Still searching and sketching for a starting point for building a new puppet. Uma pequena pausa no projecto " Morro de Amores " para voltar a outro. Ainda a procurar e desenhar para encontrar um ponto de inicio para a construção de uma nova marioneta. #mtnpb #drawing #desenho #sketch #esboco #kafka #gregorsamsa #esboco #desenho #skull #caveira #gregorsamsapuppet_project
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A little pause on the #morrodeamores_fertilcultural project to return to another one. Still searching and sketching for a starting point for building a new puppet. Uma pequena pausa no projecto " Morro de Amores " para voltar a outro. Ainda a procurar e desenhar para encontrar um ponto de inicio para a construção de uma nova marioneta. #mtnpb #drawing #desenho #sketch #esboco #kafka #gregorsamsa #esboco #desenho #skull #caveira #gregorsamsapuppet_project
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Friday, September 18, 2015
Trying out some objects/props for the #morrodeamores_fertilcultural project. Tou a experimentar alguns objetos/adereços para o projecto "MORRO de AMORES". #mtbandws #theater #teatro #set #cenografia #cenario #scenary #wood #madeira #woodwork #woodworking #birdhouse #props #aderecos
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Thursday, September 17, 2015
First you clean and show all of the natural wood grain... then... theater!! Primeiro limpamos e mostramos a textura natural da madeira... depois... teatro!! #mtbandws #theater #teatro #set #cenografia #cenario #scenary #wood #madeira #woodwork #woodworking #painting #pintura
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Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Back in 2007, while studying, my class and I had the privilege of attending a casual talk with the painting meister Julio Resende, in is own museum. Though I was interested on what was being said, I couldn't help to do myself a portrait of the artist, standing right in front of him without anyone noticing. Em 2007 enquanto estudava, a minha turma e eu tivemos o privilégio de assistir a uma conversa casual com o mestre pintor Júlio Resende, no seu próprio museu. Apesar de estar interessado no que se dizia, não pude evitar de fazer um pequeno retrato do artista, mesmo à frente dele sem que alguém reparasse. #mtnpb #drawing #desenho #sketch #esboco #portrait #retrato #julioresende
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This is a 7 or 8 years old doodle. A kind of muppety self-portrait! Isto é um desenho com uns 7 ou 8 anos. Uma espécie de auto-retrato à marreta! #mtnpb #drawing #desenho #sketch #esboco #doodle #selfportrait #muppets #muppet
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#mtbandws #theater #teatro #set #cenografia #cenario #scenary #tree #arvore #buildatreeplantahouse #morrodeamores_fertilcultural #wood #madeira #woodwork #woodworking #painting #pintura #acrilico #acrylicpaint
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Monday, September 14, 2015
Things are looking good! #mtbandws #theater #teatro #set #cenografia #cenario #scenary #tree #arvore #buildatreeplantahouse #morrodeamores_fertilcultural #leafs #folhas
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